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Our scientific methods

Rock Music as well as Conversion Rate Optimization are two disciplines that require a strict methodology. The key to our success is to combine them in the following 6 principles:

1- We tune up our instruments carefully

We’ll let you in on a small secret; we wouldn’t be so good if it wouldn’t be for our working tools. In order to find the perfect rhythm we use the most recent technologies concerning software analysis, eye-tracking and A/B test tools which helps us to ensure that everything will sound perfect the day of the concert.

2- We worry about the lyrics of our songs

That’s the way we conquer our audience. Therefore we pay special attention to everything related to content. We analyze all the internal communication. We identify which information is relevant. We define the most convincing messages for our audience and we finally find how to present it from a better angle than the rest.

3- We surrender to our audience

They are the basis for our success. Our difference consists in focusing on the “personas”, and not the users. Getting to know the people thoroughly that will access the websites of our clients serves as a reference tool for all our optimization steps. The more we know them, the more we know what they expect from us. Let’s sing together!

4- Practice and more practice

Once a rock star said: “I don´t need to practice, I am too good”. The peak of his career was short and as we want to be crowdsurfing for a long time, we take our work very seriously. We keep all our ideas and previous experiences into a testing creative pool and everything goes through different phases of “fine tuning” until we obtain the perfect version that will sound great live.

5- We love our “groupies”

We are not discovering anything new. Rock stars are narcissists. We love to get loyal followers and we keep the relationship with our fans inspiring trust and confidence. Nothing make us happier than receiving fan mail!

6- We return the admission fee in case you don’t like the concert

Loud and clear. If our work doesn’t produce results, the client doesn’t pay. Although you should know that our concerts are so great, that up until now we haven’t had to return any money.


Conversion Rate Optimization is a learning process – ideally a constant learning process. The more hypotheses you are testing, the better you understand the needs, expectations, doubts and fears of your audience and the better you become in convincing and persuading them. The earlier you start, the deeper your insights and the more effective your website. Performing a Conversion Rate Optimization with us allows you to save lots of wasted time, since you benefit from the concentrated knowledge we´ve gained optimizing hundreds of commercial websites. This puts you way ahead of your competitors on the knowledge front. Every day counts. So give yourself a head start and get in touch with us right now.

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